Start-Up Night in Kaiserslautern: Focusing on Healthcare
On August 21, the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Economic Affairs invited the “Business and Innovation Center” (BIC) to the Start-Up Night with a special emphasis on healthcare.
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On August 21, the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Economic Affairs invited the “Business and Innovation Center” (BIC) to the Start-Up Night with a special emphasis on healthcare.
Wissensfabrik – Unternehmen für Deutschland e.V. from Ludwigshafen offers economics students with the project “Students2Startup” the opportunity to deal with questions from everyday business life. For
On May 30, the Academy of Science and Literature in Mainz hosted the “6th Medtech Rhineland-Palatinate”. Its motto was “Digital future for medical technology: a new
The orthopedic trade fair “OT World” began on May 15 in Leipzig. Having our own booth there, we presented our products with great success. We exhibited
On Wednesday, May 2, the SPD politician Angelika Glöckner and the CEO of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Andreas Knüpfer visited us. During a tour
From 15 to 18 May 2018, the “OT World” will take place in Leipzig. The international trade fair for orthopedic and rehabilitation technology along with the